So, I've been a tad bit busy: aside from working a full-time job, I also started teaching a college writing class, have been working on getting my book published, and planning a vacation to see one of my best friends (really my heart's sister) in Boston! Which is why time has slipped away and I find myself facing the last half of the year and thinking, "Holy wow! Is it July already?!"
I'll keep you all posted on when the book will be published and where it can be purchased (major retailers including B&N), but more on that later. Today we're focussing on the essentials: time with your friends, laughter, and sunshine!
My friends are spread all over Southern California, so getting together can be a bit of an adventure, but it's one that is always worth it :)
Our latest adventure took us down to San Diego, where we shopped, laughed too hard, ate like queens, caught up on the latest in each others' lives, and stopped for the essentials (coffee and the beach).
Beach days can be a bit tricky, so I always recommend going prepared. I wore my favorite sapphire romper from Angl, paired with a pink cami (for that pop of color), a bit of bling, sunnies, my stand-by black clutch, and black leather flip flops. However, I also took my favorite light blue paisley bikini, wrap-skirt cover-up, and beach towel just to be on the safe side (as it turned out, it was a bit too cold to go traipsing about in my bikini, so it stayed in the beach bag).
OH! And before I forget: notice that I suddenly have a tan?! This is basically impossible for me in real life- BUT I've been trying sunless tanner, and I have to say that the Loving Tan 2 hour express in Dark is a game changer! I'm absolutely in love with this product and will write a more extensive review later :)
Our first stop was 2Good2BeBakery! If you're gluten-free, vegan, or have special dietary restrictions, I would highly recommend this place! It's absolutely phenomenal! And their lavender lemonade is perfect on a hot day!
It's no secret: I'm happiest at the beach :)
Romper: Angl
Cami: Buckle
Necklace: Swarovski
Sunnies: Bvlgari
Black clutch (not pictured): Asos
Flip-flops (not pictured): Nordstrom Rack
I mean, come on!!! Look at that perfect sunset!
These two ladies are such sweet and godly women! I am truly privileged to call them my friends!
(Also, they're willing to put up with my sassy, laughable, ways!)
(And don't mind our beach hair- the wind was fierce that day, lol!)
Our final stop was one that no Girls Day would be complete without: dessert :)
We stopped at Cheesecake Factory and I spoiled myself with their mocha, vanilla, Jesus-smiled-it's-so-good, coffee!
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